Emma’s Senior Pictures | Hingham
This year’s subjects have been a series of sessions just pushing into my face how quickly the years go by.
With still more of those to come, and they will progressively more heart wrenching, up right now is Emma. Yet another cousin! Emma really could not have had any more fun with me! We have come a long way, Emma and I! Photographically that is! 17 years ago I was making darkroom prints and hand coloring them. You’ll see a picture of that picture below. It was her first birthday. Those cheeks! And look at her now! It’s just crazy. Crazy, I tell you!
Emma and I have had VT weeks together with her brother in VT. Once mom had to head back to work, boy did we have some fun and do some sugar consuming damage! Of course I have the photos to prove it, but her mom makes them brush their teeth every time she’s reminded of it!
Thanks for hanging with Natalie last Saturday night! Thanks for letting me photograph yet another awesome milestone in your life. It was so much fun!
Congratulations! Love you!